I passed!  My first year of college (3D Animation, tyvm!) has been a bounding success, despite my sleeping disability knocking me out for most of the second semester, my attendance was awful but I still passed, and got a decent grade as well, considering how quickly I had to throw together some of the work 😀

So because of this, not really done hee haw today, just had a wee party of sorts with my mate!  Despite all the shit stuff goin’ on, s’kept me in a good mood and had a fan-fuckin’-tastic burger for dinner! 😀

Just started back on it the now, seein’ what I can put together while I still have some energy left.  Am building the Amn-Duth topside where you’ll spend the majority of your time within Chapter Two, or at least where you’ll be collecting your quests.  There will be a number of quests to collect and do in your chosen order, with your important quest at the end, to investigate this Drug Baron that was paying off Sheriff Garios!

The City Centre

What I’ve been doing mostly here is getting the city built.  It’s quite huge and the map is somewhat “bare” in the sense of a tileset, which is a bit of a shame but I was lacking in tilesets.  I would have made it a bit smaller to appear to look better, but I was drawing the basis of the map from the sense of Venice (as you might have guessed by the Chapter Two page at the end of the Demo) and when I was in that city I got lost.  I mean completely lost, the place is a bloody maze at the best of times, so I wanted my city to be a maze of smaller and large pathways and rivers and bridges and a hell of a lot of buildings you shouldn’t be going in, but with a brilliant big area in the middle.

I wanted you to feel lost within the map and have to explore and find some of the secrets and quests I’ll be dotting around, but since it’s still early in the game I wanted to keep it simple enough still, so it’s still quite basic.

The peoples of the town will be talking shite mostly and have little to say, but most of them will have one or two possible lines (as discussed earlier, all civilians have multiple different conversational lines) that direct you towards some hints about what’s going on, what your missions are, and most of them warning you about the fiendish pickpockets that steal your money before you even know what’s happened!  But then again, you can always go and find the thieves den and put a stop to them!