So far the Demos have been just smaller updates of the previous ones.  I’ve only got the three important ones listed within the version history as they have the greatest changes; from the 2k3 alpha, to the VXA transfer, then the update with various scripts and style changes, that basically changed the whole flow of the game.  For the fourth demo I’ve been waiting for a more significant milestone, and the end of Chapter one seems like the way to go.  Some notes on what to expect in the Demo are at the bottom.  I plan on taking a bit longer to really polish up the first chapter and make sure it has as few bugs and problems as possible so it’s the top of its game, allowing me to leave a fair time till the next demo.

I’ve focussed on balancing much of the enemies, making them easier within the Hideout so that they don’t tear you apart as soon as you start, but progress smoothly from therein.  Skills have been balanced slightly and much more have been added in, now giving every character two sub-skill types and access to skills therein at different levels, keeping the classes varied and different from each other.  This as well as parameter changes and stat balances I think I have the two classes nice and equal, for all intents and purposes.  I’ve also been going over and polishing up odds and ends, fixing bugs and trying to make everything look cleaner, as well as bringing in random chats for NPCs and making the areas feel a bit “fuller”.  Also added in lots more items and weapons.

The rest of chapter one also includes a mini stealth level that has no combat and is mainly about timing to dodge the guards watch, and a heated battlefield area with a much higher level character.  The story advances a fair amount as well, and introducing plenty more questions about what’s going down in later chapters and preparing for the stage of the game where you get a bit more freedom.

Chapter Two will start off with more freedom in the game, giving you some open-choices and versatility rather than locking you down into a linear path, although it has to be kept in mind that the game is reliant on the story being played out, so freedom does come with some restrictions.

By the end of the Demo, you’ll receive a code that will unlock some more character costumes and another class to playtest the game again with, giving you some replay value for the first chapter, although this won’t much affect the sections where you don’t play as your main character.  There’s also some other character costumes that can be unlocked and discovered; the unlockables are all logic based and can be guessed, and the hidden ones just take a bit of exploration.  There will be more and more costumes being added to the selection as I advance the game, as well as classes.

What’s in the upcoming Chapter One Demo, you ask?

  • Play as 4 different characters and have many more team mates in different situations, most of them optional!
  • 18 possible character costumes (although to be fair, one of them is inaccessible until chapter two is released), including two monsters!  Unlock these with secret codes, finding secret areas or by accomplishing specific tasks and goals
  • Keep up to date with your objectives with a “Tasks Log” that describes your current goalss as you advance
  • 3 “pages” to be collected that give small insights into the history and background of the world
  • Dynamic monster encounter situations, with both random battles and enemies that chase and run away from you
  • 2 exciting boss battles, as well as a few more mini-bosses
  • A stealth area requiring you to sneak through city streets
  • An intense, high level section with lots of combat and theatrics
  • Multiple insights into the story progression from the point of view of various characters