After spending an hour now writing up a variable and dozens of conditional branches combined with self-switches so that each and every NPC, villager, and otherwise non-story-essential person will not only have different dialogue options when you talk to them, but never repeat the same line twice in a row, I start to wonder if anyone will ever, ever notice this.  Typically, a normal person (myself included) will just clicky a person once to see what they say.  Twice maybe, if they’re curious and happen to know there’s multiple chat options…but when you’re in an area with a half dozen people and have an exciting mission to go to kill a dragon or save the girl, you’re never really that inclined to keep testing the limits of the NPCs ability to talk shite to you, so all the other available chat options become wasted, lost, forgotten.

Yet I can’t convince myself to stop doing it and just leave it as a static chat box.  I just feel compelled to make sure that I’m trying to pay attention to the small touches.  They’re the ones that count after all, eh?