So, I first had my project listed only on one forum, hoping for some critique, inspiration, suggestions, advice etc (and aye, just that wee bit of gratification, who doesnae?) but upon realising the forum was relatively dead compared to when I first joined some years ago, I moved up, listed the game and my thread across a couple of other forums.  Then realised that updating it in even the slightest was a total hassle, having to do it three times and taking so, so much longer.

So!  I’m bringing everything together into a central hub, where I can make all the updates, blether and everything I’d like without having to triple up or spam posts and feel like I’m double/triple postin’ out the ass.

I’ve put all the main details stuff in the Game Details link at the top, including the blurb, a wee “about me” section, features of the game and then another area to cover screenies, links to demos (with version history) and videos when I can get one made.  The rest of the posts will just be my blether about the project, and/or updates and monologues! 🙂