Just got alerted to a lighting script by Avanura Seta, on the rpgmakervxace forums, in the name of improving the Hideout Tunnels level, where the gimmick is that bats only attack from the shadows.  I had just abused shadow pen all over the world and think it looked pretty good, definitely served it’s purpose at least.  Will continue to use shadow pen around as it gives good wee shadowed areas without the need for hasslesome tint screen effects for the sake of small corners and such.

However, for that particular map, the script was perfect; creating a dark, hazey light in the dungeon with some glowing torches around the walls, candles on tables and such.  It intensified the vibe to a whole new level, really giving the feel that the Hideout is underground in some dank tunnel or cave, rather than a badly lit basement.

The difference is crazy!  Not only just the glowing light, but the general mood has been brought to life, really creates that atmosphere you want.


The Tunnels with the shadow pen only.

The Tunnels in the same spot with Khas’ lighting script.